Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1883
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [anon.]New music (Continued from page 820, vol. 60). MWorld 61 1 6 Jan 1883 7
2. [anon.]La musica italiana e la musica tedesca. MWorld 61 2 13 Jan 1883 21
3. [anon.]Bach Choir. MWorld 61 6 10 Feb 1883 81
4. [anon.]Philharmonic Society. MWorld 61 10 10 Mar 1883 147
5. [anon.]The Bach Society. MWorld 61 11 17 Mar 1883 156
6. Last, YaxtonBruch and Bach. MWorld 61 11 17 Mar 1883 159
7. [anon.]Professor Macfarren's lectures [Bach's 'Wohltemperirte Klavier'] MWorld 61 12 24 Mar 1883 172
8. [anon.]Leeds [Spark's recital of music by Bach] MWorld 61 14 7 Apr 1883 210
9. [anon.]Bach and his Mass in B minor (From the 'Times', May 1876). MWorld 61 20 19 May 1883 300-301
10. [anon.]M. de Pachmann's recitals. MWorld 61 24 16 Jun 1883 370
11. [anon.]Leeds festival. MWorld 61 30 28 Jul 1883 469
12. Rundell, J. C.The national anthem. MWorld 61 39 29 Sep 1883 609
13. D., T. J.[Leeds Musical Festival] (By telegraph. From an esteemed correspondent). First day. MWorld 61 41 13 Oct 1883 638-639
14. [anon.]Eisenach [Erection the Bach monument]. MWorld 61 42 20 Oct 1883 660
15. [anon.]John Sebastian Bach. MWorld 61 46 17 Nov 1883 716
16. [anon.]Richter concerts. MWorld 61 46 17 Nov 1883 722

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita